
Min. 27,46 $ / h
Max. 50,39 $ / h
Description and Responsibilities
Audiologists are specialists in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of hearing impairment and vestibular dysfunctions. They evaluate the hearing abilities of the hearing impaired and look for the causes and contributing factors to their disability. Audiologists establish and apply intervention plans to restore the ability of patients to communicate by different means: hearing aid, communication strategies, sign language, modifications to living environment. They also work to reduce or eliminate the emotional, social and professional impacts of the disability experienced by patients, and provide the necessary information and support to people around them.
Audiologists are committed to assessing the needs of patients in order to provide them with tailored and comprehensive services that promote their communication skills, autonomy and social integration.
Education and Training Requirements
Université de Montréal’s School of Speech Language Pathology and Audiology (École d’orthophonie et d’audiologie de l’Université de Montréal) offers a professional master’s program in audiology (in French only).
Scholarships for certain regional jobs in the field of health and social services are offered to students under the scholarship program of the ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux. For more information, see Bourses pour favoriser le recrutement de certains professionnels et techniciens de la santé et des services sociaux en région éloignée page (in French only).
Required Interests, Skills and Personality Type
- Must be a good communicator and listener
- Must be responsible and organized
- Must enjoy physical work and handling (medical) instruments
- Must know how to observe and analyze situations and people
- Must love contact with the public
Personality Type (RIASEC)
ISE- I - Prefers studying, understanding and solving problems
- S - Prefers to be in contact with people and to help them
- E - Prefers supervising, making decisions and managing, influencing and persuading others
Work Environment
Audiologists mainly practice in:
- Hospitals (in French only)
- Rehabilitation centres (in French only)
- Residential and long-term care centres (CHSLDs) (in French only)